1. Use of Okura Nikko Hotels Websites
The directories of the website (https://www.okura-nikko.com), (collectively, “the Websites”) are operated by Okura Nikko Hotel Management Co., Ltd. (“ONHM”) or its representatives. Please read these terms of usage before using the Websites. Use of the Websites shall be reckoned to constitute acceptance of the terms of this Agreement. This Website Usage Agreement is subject to modification without notice, and users should always confirm their information is up to date.
2. Changes in Services Provided
The services provided on the Websites are subject to modification without notice by ONHM. The Websites’ operation may also be suspended without notice momentarily or for extended periods due to maintenance operations, system failure or other reasons.
3. Copyright
ONHM holds copyright of the content of the Websites. Secondary use of the content of the Websites without prior written approval of ONHM is prohibited.
4. Disclaimer
ONHM pays careful attention to the content posted on the Websites. However, ONHM does not guarantee the exactitude of that information. Circumstances obtaining shall have precedence in all Okura Nikko Hotels operations. ONHM shall bear no responsibility whatsoever for damages incurred by users of the Websites. Nor shall ONHM bear any responsibility whatsoever for any damages incurred by users resulting from an interruption of services due to maintenance operations, system failure or other reasons.
5. Linking to the Websites
As a rule of thumb, there are no restrictions placed on hyperlinks to the Websites. However, all such hyperlinks should point to the top page (www.okura-nikko.com) as the URLs of files located in subdirectories are subject to modification without notice. Please refrain from linking to images only and from linking to the content of frames.
6. External Link Disclaimer
The Websites may set hyperlink to third-party websites in order to supplement the information provided herein. The content of third-party websites hyperlinked from the Websites (“external link destinations”) is the responsibility of their respective operators. ONHM shall bear no responsibility whatsoever for the content of external link destinations, nor for any damages incurred from their use.
7. Privacy Policy
The Websites require entry of personal information and record that information in a database when performing reservation, inquiry, member registration and other such procedures. Okura Nikko Hotels and its member hotels and Hotel Okura Enterprises use the information thus recorded to provide services beneficial to our customers. Information thus recorded is not used for any other purpose. Please click here to review our Protectiom of personal Information.