호텔 닛코 가나자와
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검색하신 조건에 맞는 객실이 없습니다.

다이닝 호텔 닛코 가나자와

생기있는 분위기 속에서 휴식을 취하고 식사를 즐기십시오.

토 · 일 · 공휴일 등 전세 영업의 경우가 있으므로 사전에 문의 주시도록 부탁드립니다.
폐를 끼칩니다 만, 아무쪼록 양해 해 주시길 부탁드립니다

【Notice of Hotel Closure for Facilities Inspection】

Thank you for staying at Hotel Nikko Kanazawa.
Please be advised that some of the hotel facilities will be closed for inspection during the following date.

We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
【Date and Time】Tuesday, February 18, 2025

All guest rooms and some restaurants will be closed.

■Guest Rooms / All day on February 18th

■Restaurant / All day on February 18th
・European Cuisine「La PLAGE」
・Sky Lounge「Le Grand Chariot」
・Chinese Restaurant「Toh-Lee 」
・Main Bar「Vol de Nuit」

■Restaurant / Breakfast on February 19
・Japanese Restaurant「Benkay」
・All-day dining restaurant「The Garden House」


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